Energy Skills Workbook for Highly Sensitive People

Jeannette Folan & Yvonne Czarniak

Can you imagine feeling more balanced, confident and at ease?
Are you ready to learn the skills to help shift your energy and emotions?

If you're an HSP who’s ready to feel more comfortable in your "sensitive skin", this digital workbook is for you.

With over 100 pages of engaging, uplifting material — including 20 energy shifting exercises and how-to videos — the Energy Skills Workbook for HSP/Empath Adults will help you develop awareness and adaptability, resulting in increased self-confidence and mental/physical wellness.

Download Workbook Now - $48

In this workbook, you will learn:

The energy exercises taught in this workbook will help you:

What you'll find in the workbook:

Colorful graphics and illustrations •  how-to videos of energy exercises • educational videos & audio files • discussion/self-study questions • self-study/continued learning prompts • fun and relevant self-tests • 100 references to evidence-based educational and psychological research • Complete glossary

Get the workbook now - $48

Professional Reviews

“(This workbook) will give you tools and understanding that I wish I had in my own teens, and I am honored to see some of the ideas I have developed show up in its pages!” Donna Eden - Best-selling author and world-renowned speaker on Energy Medicine
“In my 20 years of working as a psychologist and educator, I have not seen any other program with such a great promise of effectiveness for this very important population.” Dr. Wendy Nickerson - Founder of the Nickerson Institute of Integrative Health Training and faculty member at Calsouthern University
I am so very impressed with the workbook.  Wonderfully done.... great illustrations, thorough yet succinct (awesome!), and engaging!  I LOVE IT!! "Dr. Pam Calvert-Hirt, PsyD, MBA — BCB Director, Widener Biofeedback Clinic & Certification Center

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Download Workbook Now - $48