Program Information

Self-paced video program with live bi-weekly meetings
Graded assignments
Certified Health Coach (eligible to be Registered Health Coach)
American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP)
Dr. Wendy Nickerson
tuition $4,299 USD
Enrollment open January 1, 2025

Beyond traditional mental health and wellness programs... a holistic approach

Creating a company culture with employee psychological and emotional wellness at its core has never been more important. But perhaps your current initiatives are not enough. Perhaps there is more that you can do.

An Integrative Health Coaching Training Program is a logical extension of your other initiatives and adds a holistic approach to mental health. It can facilitate sustainable thought and behavioral patterns that lead to more optimal functioning of the human mind, body, and spirit. We believe that a holistic mental health approach provides individuals with more opportunities for living their best life.

Published reports show that integrative health coaching can contribute to improvement in:
Circle graphic showing areas of improvement with coaching

Applying the holistic mental health model to promote real change

By establishing the foundation of a holistic, integrative mental health approach — from Energy Psychology to Mindfulness and more — the IHC coaches will be empowered to bring new, relevant and sustainable personnel development opportunities to their organizations, ultimately raising the level of consciousness throughout the organization, while creating harmonious environments that reduce stress and burnout, while increasing productivity and a sense of achievement.

integrative health coach modalities
Want to learn more about these 7 dimensions of holistic mental health? Request our brochure →

"I found it valuable to learn from this program about all of the positive outcomes of having a compassionate and inclusive workplace as well as having the language to articulate this type of culture."

Suzanne Velasquez-Sheehy, Ed.D and Energy Psychology Specialist


Take the Corporate Integrative Health Coach quiz to discover your coaching potential

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Thank you for your interest in the Nickerson Institute of Integrative Health Training.

I  want to emphasize that what is unique about this program is that it focuses on holistic mental health care — how the mind can be trained to aid in the healing of mental, emotional, and physical challenges.    Using certified coaches to bring successful holistic practices into an organization has been shown to be highly effective on many levels.

After you’ve had a chance to look over the brochure, please let me know if you would like to set up a phone call — or if you feel the program is right for you, the next step would be to complete the Application Form.

Kindest regards,

Dr. Wendy Nickerson


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Please contact us directly so we can get you the information you need.

Individual and Organizational Benefits

Corporate integrative health coaches provide guidance, support, strategies and tools that can lead to remarkable benefits at both the individual and organizational levels.  Some of the benefits include:

icon of individual person

  • Improved overall mind-body-spirit health
  • Increased self-awareness and confidence
  • Greater emotional intelligence
  • Decreased stress and anxiety
  • More physical energy and stamina
  • Better relationships
  • Improved cognitive functioning and concentration
  • Better sleep
  • Improved immune response
  • Increased longevity
  • Better life-work balance

icon of group of people

  • Decreased burn-out and absenteeism
  • Less employee turnover
  • Improved productivity
  • Fewer short/long-term disability claims
  • Increased psychological safety
  • Greater employee engagement
  • Improved morale
  • More harmonious teams/cooperation
  • Happier, more fulfilled employees
  • Improved communication skills
  • Increased adaptability to change
  • More inclusive, empathetic culture
  • More corporate engagement with the community

The Corporate Integrative Health Coach Training Program

is not for everyone.  It is designed for individuals and organizations that are ready to increase the levels of human thought and consciousness throughout the culture of an entire organization and are ready to take an integrative approach to mental health and wellness for the ‘whole person’ employee.

Who should become a Corporate Integrative Health Coach?

To be successful in this role, one should have a sincere interest in integrative mental health practices, and a desire to aid in creating a more conscious, inclusive, compassionate, productive, and healthful workplace culture. Other qualities of an effective corporate integrative health coach include:

  • Excellent listening skills
  • Strong communication skills
  • A supportive, compassionate nature
  • A desire to learn and share that knowledge with others
  • The ability to be an objective observer
  • Good collaboration skills
  • A high level of emotional intelligence
  • Strict adherence to privacy and policy
Want to find out what your coaching potential is? Take our quiz →

In all of the North American organizations

I have consulted with, it has become evident that corporate integrative health coach training is one of the most effective ways to improve wellness, focus, concentration and productivity.

Dr. David Bardsley ~ author of the best selling book "Smarter Next Year"

What you'll learn...

Training module topics included in the 200-hour /15 module program.

Organizational Coaching Ethics and Boundaries
to create higher levels of consciousness and safety within an organization
Listening and Motivational Interviewing
the most evidence-based strategy for effective change
Using Cognitive-Behavioral Coaching Strategies
to increase positive thought patterns, focus and concentration
Alternative and Natural Methods
to increase positive emotions & mental and spiritual wellness
Simple Nutrition
for optimal concentration, focus and mental health
Mindfulness Training
to enhance focus, concentration and productivity, as well as deepen self-care and spirituality
The Burnout Epidemic
Recognizing, preventing and reducing the effects of burnout
Understanding Mind-Body Connections
Minimizing chronic pain/illness in the workplace
Creating a Trauma-Informed Workplace Awareness
Recognizing and diffusing trauma-induced behavior
The 'New Normal' Workplace
Effective strategies for maintaining motivation and mental health while working from home; as well as respecting the needs and beliefs of others related to their personal post-pandemic choices
Transcending Toxic Behavior in The Workplace
Instruction by Dr. Laura McCallum
Multi-Generational Workplace – Harness the Power to Engage Every Age
Instruction by Suzanne Balcom, RHC
Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs) in The Workplace
Instruction by Jeannette Folan, RHC
Honoring Compassion and Cultural Inclusion
for enhanced human connectivity and productivity
Developing Advocacy Skills
Scoping out your community to utilize valuable local resources
Want more information? Request our brochure →

Course Features

Individual Enrollment
200-Hour Self-Paced Course

$4,299 US - Single Payment
$1,124.75 US - Four Monthly Payments

Credentialing as a Board Certified Health Coach*
15 modules of self-paced video instruction
Live bi-weekly meetings with instructor
Ongoing email and text support from instructor
Development of individualized toolbox
Practice buddies
Engaging exercises and powerful tools
Ongoing post-graduate monthly support meetings
$4,299 US
Single Payment
$1,124.75 US x 4
Monthly Auto-Payments

*Upon completion of the CIHC program, you are eligible to apply for the credential of Board Certified Health Coach.

Organization Enrollment
200-Hour Self-Paced Course

$4,299 US - Single Trainee
Discount for Multiple Trainees

Discounted multi-user tuition rates
Credentialing as a Board Certified Health Coach*
15 modules of self-paced video instruction
Live bi-weekly meetings with instructor
Ongoing email and text support from instructor
Development of individualized toolbox
Practice buddies
Engaging exercises and powerful tools
Ongoing post-graduate monthly support meetings
$4,299 US
Single Payment
$3,870 US per trainee
2 - 4 Trainees
$3,450 US per trainee
5 - 9 Trainees
$3,225 US per trainee
10+ Trainees

*Upon completion of the CIHC program, you are eligible to apply for the credential of Board Certified Health Coach.


Dr. Wendy Nickerson smiling

The principle instructor of this program is Dr. Wendy Nickerson, founder of the Nickerson Institute for Integrative Health Training, Licensed Clinical Psychologist in Canada  and the United States, university instructor to graduate students in Counselling Education and Behavioral Health Sciences, and author of “Wild Women Never Get The Blues”.

I believe that mental health is paramount to overall wellness and have seen how a holistic approach goes beyond conventional therapies and programs, providing deeper, sustainable, and more comprehensive care to individuals.

Now, organizations are beginning to see how stress, anxiety and the poor mental health of their employees affects the organization as a whole, and are looking for innovative measures to make effective and enduring change. There is a growing awareness that existing corporate wellness initiatives are not enough — especially in light of how the pandemic changed how we work together. More than ever before, empathy and compassion in the workplace is not a 'nice to have', it is a necessity.

This Corporate Integrative Health Coach Training Program reflects the growing global need and desire to shift to a healthy cultural paradigm. The content draws on the principles of positive psychology, neuroscience, energetic support, and the practices of motivational interviewing, cognitive behavioral strategies, and mindfulness techniques.  By using these practices to raise human thought and consciousness, we can — as individuals and as a collective organization — rise above the "norm" and create an environment where wellness is the foundational goal that generates growth, productivity and prosperity.

You can read Dr. Nickerson’s full bio on this page.

The best course you can take is one that leads you to your best life.

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